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We are using AI Augmentation to help save the lives of Americans
Our mission is to build the world’s leading software that uses AI augmentation to enable organizations to auto-visualize relevant patterns and identify the most significant insights 50% faster without learning a new tool ultimately protecting American lives and supporting our allies.
Check it out Contact Us
AI/ML Engineering & Platforms

Months to Insight

IT-led, Descriptive Manual data modeling and report building driven by IT capability

Data Life Cycle Governance

Days/Hrs to Insight

Self-service data exploration, visualization, analysis driven by business questions

AI/ML Life Cycle Security

Hrs/Min to Insight

Self-service Bit Data Analytics, ML, Auto ML analysis driven by business objectives

Augmented Analytics Platforms AI²

JITAR Immediate Real-Time Insight

Pervasive and invisible analytics with embeded automation and machine learning, identify the most significant insights, auto-visualize relevant porters.

Technology innovators and leaders are driving business transformation through AI augmented technology innovation

We build a data fusion and augmentation platform for integrating, managing, and connecting any kind of data, at massive scale. On top of this platform, we layer an application for fully interactive, human-driven, augmented, machine-assisted analysis.

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Augmented Analytics (AA)

Machine Learning and AI to assist analysis and to augment how people explore and analyze data in analytics and BI platforms

Human Augmentation (HA)

Technologies that are used for bringing physical improvement in the integral parts of the human body.

AI Augmentation (AIA)

A human-centered partnership model of people and AI working together to enhance cognitive performance.

Talk to Our Experts

Find out how CCNOAI can unlock your users’ data and put it to work. Our data science experience can help you understand how users interact and engage with text in order to produce more effective knowledge management and information management.

How Does our Technology Work? We start with data from multiple sources. We fuse the data the data with human knowledge. We tag, connect, secure, and track all data. Finally, we bring the data to life through AI augmentations for human-driven analysis.

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